Friday, November 12, 2010


Yuna had to have eye surgery last week. Her eyelids were rolling inwards causing her eyelashes to rub on her eyes. It was happening more often and causing problems so the vet thought it should get done.

Apparently Yuna was really good and sat still while the vet removed her stitches. Now her eyes are a bit bigger and she can see better.

Yuna has been a lot happier since having the op done. She has been tearing around the backyard more. She has been shoving her toys in my face and bashing into me until I chase her. Unfortunately she isn't as fast as me and sometimes stacks it, rolling and tumbling in the grass. It doesn't phase her though and she just jumps back up while I point and laugh.

Oops, gotta go. Someone wants to have another race around the pond.