Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hamish has been a big sook since he got back from the groomers. He is all excited and running around when outside, but as soon he comes inside he sooks it all up on the couch.
He's all, "i'm hard done by, dont leave me at the groomers again".....Geez!


Princess Patches said...

You look very handsome after your trip to the groomer! Now, have a nice, comfy nap!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Sally Ann and Andy said...

You are a most handsome Welsh man.
Sally Ann

Dandy Duke said...

We think you're a very handsome boy, Hamish! We bet you're nice and cool now!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

JD and Max said...

Aw Hamish - you look so adorable! And exhausted! We're exactly the same when we come back from the groomers you know. These women simply don't understand us men.....sigh!! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Persephone and Buster said...

Gotta admit...those groomers made you look awfully cute!

Now, promise to remain true to the Sacred Terrier Creed: Find some mud--lots of it--and begin rolling counterclockwise. Reverse direction, repeat...

Groomers need job security, too!


Buster, Persephone & Bailey

Oskar said...

The groomers is NOT one of my favorite places. You do look very nice with your new hair cut, though.

Inky and Molly said...

Poor child. We feel for you you. We can't stand the clippers and grooming tools either. Good job on taking teh couch over. You tell 'em!

Oskar said...

Grooming is cruel!